> 春节2024 > 你离过年还有多久英语




The Chinese New Year is approaching and the Spring Festival is just around the corner. As the festive season is drawing near, there are several ways to express gratitude. One can say \"Thank you for the upcoming Chinese New Year\" or \"I would like to express my gratitude for the imminent Spring Festival\". These phrases capture the anticipation and appreciation for the approaching festive season. According to a survey conducted by ZOL, 85% of respondents feel grateful and excited about the upcoming Chinese New Year, and they express their thanks through various means.


春节在英语中的表达是\"Spring Festival\",而不需要在句子中加上 \"the\"。例如,可以说 \"I am looking forward to the Spring Festival\",或者 \"We celebrate the Spring Festival with our family\". The omission of \"the\" in this context is grammatically correct and widely used.

如何用英语表达\"两天后\"?是after two days还是two days later?-ZOL问答

要表达\"两天后\"的概念,可以使用 \"two days later\" 或者 \"after two days\"。这两种表达方式都是正确的,但根据语境的不同会有一些细微的差别。\"two days later\" 更强调后续的时间点,而 \"after two days\" 则更强调时间的间隔。例如,可以说 \"Our reunion dinner will be held two days later\"(我们的团年饭将在两天后举行)或者 \"I will return home after two days\"(我将在两天后回家)。


- 元旦:New Year\'s Day
- 春节:the Spring Festival
- 元宵节:the Lantern Festival
- 国际劳动妇女节:International Working Women\'s Day
- 清明节:Tomb-Sweeping Day
- 劳动节:Labour Day
- 九月九日重阳节:Double Ninth Festival
- 圣诞节:Christmas Day
- 感恩节:Thanksgiving Day
- 情人节:Valentine\'s Day
- 万圣节:Halloween
- 儿童节:Children\'s Day
- 教师节:Teacher\'s Day
- 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival
- 端午节:Dragon Boat Festival
- 植树节:Arbor Day
- 五一国际劳动节:International Workers\' Day

春节的日期用英语怎么说?- AM懂小妹 的回答

春节的日期可以用 \"the date of the Spring Festival\" 来表达。这个短语将春节的日期意义准确传达,可以在写作或口语中使用。例如,可以说 \"We will celebrate the Spring Festival on the date of February 12th\"(我们将在2月12日这一春节日期庆祝春节)。


- New Year\'s Day is approaching.
- The Chinese New Year is just around the corner.
- The Spring Festival is coming soon.
- We are getting closer to the Lunar New Year.
- The countdown to the New Year has begun.

Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival是一个英语词组,意思是中国传统的春节。这个短语作为一个名词使用,在句子中通常需要加上冠词 \"the\"。在中国人的心中,春节是一年中最重要的节日。根据最新的统计数据,有超过10亿人在中国庆祝春节,这使得它成为世界上规模最大的人类聚集活动之一。


- 春节:The Spring Festival
- 农历:lunar calendar
- 正月:lunar January
- 除夕:New Year\'s Eve
- 团圆饭:reunion dinner
- 红包:red envelope
- 爆竹:firecracker
- 赏月:admire the full moon
- 春联:Spring Festival couplets
- 灯笼:lantern
- 拜年:pay a New Year visit
- 舞龙舞狮:dragon and lion dance
- 年夜饭:New Year\'s Eve dinner
- 新年愿望:New Year\'s resolution
- 春晚:Spring Festival Gala
- 烟花:firework
- 贴春联:paste Spring Festival couplets

【适当形式It\'s your turn----(speak) at the meeting.----(try) yo...

1. \"speak\"是固定句型,it\'s one\'s turn to do sth(轮到某人做某事),所以应填入动词原形 \"to speak\"。
2. \"Try\"是一个祈使句,所以用动词原形 \"to try\"。
3. \"There\'s a disco\" 只是一个陈述句,没有提到给定的主题和翻译的要求,所以无需填写具体内容。


- the date of the Spring Festival(春节的日期)
- the day of the Chinese New Year(中国农历新年的日子)
- during the Spring Festival period(在春节期间)
- on Lunar New Year\'s Day(在农历新年的第一天)
- from New Year\'s Eve to the Lantern Festival(从除夕到元宵节)
- throughout the Spring Festival season(整个春节季)