> 文章列表 > 春节的食物有哪些药用英语





年糕(New Year cake)是春节期间必不可少的美食之一,由糯米制作而成;饺子(dumpling)也是春节的传统食物,象征着团圆和好运;汤圆(glue pudding)则是一种由糯米粉制成的球状食品,填充着各种馅料。


春节相关的英语词汇有:年糕(rise cake)和New Year cake;汤圆(dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or savory fillings);鞭炮(firecracker);春联(Spring Festival couplets);红包(red envelope)等。


春节一般吃什么?翻译成英文是:\"What do you usually eat in the Spring Festival?\"。在春节期间,人们通常还会吃鱼(fish),扫年(sweep away the old year),寓意着年年有余。


在不同的节日里,人们选择的食物也不同。粽子(zongzi)是端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)时必不可少的食物;饺子(dumplings)是春节(Spring Festival)期间常见的美食;汤圆(sweet dumplings)则是元宵节(Lantern Festival)的特色食品。


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It\'s to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year. During Spring Festival, people will have a big feast with their families. They will prepare various delicious dishes, such as fish, dumplings, and glutinous rice cake. Each dish has its own symbolic meaning. For example, fish represents abundance and prosperity, while dumplings symbolize reunion and good luck.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It\'s a time for family reunions and celebration. During Spring Festival, people will prepare a variety of delicious food and engage in various activities. They will have a big dinner with their families, including dishes like fish, dumplings, and sticky rice cake. People will also decorate their houses with red lanterns, paper-cuts, and couplets. Fireworks and dragon dance performances are also common during the festival.


春节的一些习俗用英语表达如下:给房子彻底打扫(give the house a thorough cleaning),用剪纸和对联装饰门窗(decorate the doors and windows with paper-cuts and couplets),放鞭炮(set off firecrackers),拜年(pay New Year\'s visits),包红包(give red envelopes),吃团圆饭(have a reunion dinner)等。


People will prepare a variety of delicious food before the Spring Festival. They will make more delicious dishes to celebrate the festival. It\'s a time for families to gather and enjoy the festive atmosphere while indulging in mouth-watering delicacies.


饺子的英文是dumpling,音标为英 [ˈdʌmplɪŋ]、美 [ˈdəmplɪŋ]。它是一种面团制成的团状食品,通常包裹着各种馅料。
